
Cotton Director

Hello Friends,

It’s been a crazy busy couple of days – with trying to figure out setting up this blog, getting a clean professional Facebook page and tending to my personal life as well. But I’m lovin it! On my way now!

I spent the evening visiting with my granddaughter. I took my mother with me and you can see what Gracie had her ‘onto’…….


My Mother is beginning to show early signs of Alzheimer’s. It’s a time of very mixed emotions – at times I find myself getting frustrated at her because I KNOW she should remember something and other times it’s heartbreaking to watch her search for some simple word. Then are the times I realize I am her daughter and could very well have the same struggle in the years ahead. Once again my determinatoin to fight even that with all I’ve got kicks in. Stay active! Keep your mind tackling new things on a daily basis.

Which, with my occupation, is an accomplishment rendered each day. I am a cotton director for one of the largest providers of spun yarns in the world. Tons of cotton is processed each day and accounting for each bale is mandated by the USDA. Sounds boring, but there’s never a dull moment in the world of cotton accounting. Stressful, yes – dull, no.

But, I have my loyal friend Thunder to wind down with in the evenings. He is a beautiful 110 pound large-boned German Shepherd.
He had just gotten his teeth around the new bone I’d promised him so he wasn’t up for posing for a picture.

I’m still spending time introducing myself here. I appreciate all the comments and the followings. Let me leave you with the thought that no matter how tough the day, no matter how many discouragements we have to tackle from dawn till dusk – we can take each moment in and choose not to let the negative ripples define our day. “Okay, negativity – that was your moment. The rest is mine.” Then take a walk, smile at someone – it may take smiling at quite a few – until you actually meet someone’s eye, stand tall, and feel yourself rise! Try this, it really does work.

God Bless Each of You.