
Tammi Kale is mother, daughter, mammy and a budding author.  She is friend to all, lover of animals, loves to travel, loves to read, loves to make new friends, thankful for her many blessings.


I am fifty-three years young and I am at the point in my life that I either do as I’ve ‘read’ about or do as most everyone around me does – accepts the pitfalls of getting older and just learns to live around them. I’ve decided that’s not what I want to do. I’ve decided I want to ‘re-invent myself’ as the saying goes. I’m still alive and by gosh, I want to enjoy being that way – not spend it moaning over every new creak of my knee or shift of my back bone.

So, here it is you find me. I grew up at the foothills of the Great Smokey, Blue Ridge, and Appalachian Mountains. Here I still make my home today. I very much love the coast, and am thankful we’re only a five hour drive from the salty spray, but as so many of us Southerners, I’ve never roamed anywhere else long enough to call it home.

But don’t get me wrong – I do love to roam. I’ve spent 10 days on an island that had only recently gotten electricity – that electricity hadn’t reached roads when I was there so venturing out was lit by the glorious close enough to touch full moon. It seemed to wane slower than it does at home, and I was in love with the sheer light of it, literally.

I’ve carried my machete to the wilds of the Florida Keys. Remember several years ago there were huge snakes turning up in the islands. And I had been there before and remembered the rustling I’d heard in the mangroves behind me as I sat gazing out over the clear emerald waters. I went prepared!


And this, my dear friends, is one of the reasons I took my machete! My precious granddaughter! The light of my life and the one who keeps me young. I just can’t help saying it: Isn’t she beautiful!

I’ve watched the distinct and sultry sway of gray reef sharks from a shark cage on the North Shore of Hawaii. I have mixed feelings on this, but I try to stay aware of whether or not this tourist attraction promotes shark attacks. So far I haven’t found any proof that it does, so for now I can still pat myself on the back for having been up close and personal with these large creatures that provoke such fear in us.

I am a firm believer that God is in control, but that mankind is the culprit that prevents God’s control from flourishing in the world today. Heck, yesterday and tomorrow as well. In a nutshell, if we could all learn to hear the still small voice and act on what it’s laying on our hearts, the world wouldn’t be the scary, dirty, evil place that it is. I still cringe whenever I think of Sandy Hook. And that’s just ONE tiny monstrosity. Yeah, I know the devil made her eat the apple, but we all have a choice.

Mankind is given the mind to rise above the confounding disgraces of these days we live in. Given the mind BY Christ – I know I didn’t evolve from an ape – and given the mind OF Christ. So, if we’d all just take the time to just ‘be still and know’ this world could do a little turning around.

This covers “About” fairly well. I embrace life! I love life and can’t wait to see what’s going to happen next. I know whatever it is, all will be well. My future’s secure.

I embrace meeting new friends here on my new blog! I embrace finally putting my ordinary, exciting life into words! Come along with me and let’s do a little turning!

God Bless You Each and Every One!


318 thoughts on “About

  1. Hey Tammi! I love your “about.” At 53 you should be living instead of rolling over and playing dead. Keep doing what the Lord puts on your heart to do and sharing it with us! And thanks for the follow.

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    • With my thought processes changing so much recently, I’m beginning to wonder how I ever let myself feel so old…..I do feel that life is just beginning …. that I’ve passed the years of angst and and have my feet firmly placed in years of joy!

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  2. Hi Tammi! Thank-you so much for visiting my blog and for the follow. I have been incredibly busy recently and haven’t been posting as often as I’d like to – I am surprised you found me! Your blog is so uplifting – I have enjoyed reading a few of your posts this evening. I will be back!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. Hi Tammi! 🙂 So glad we have crossed paths! Thanks for visiting and the follow ❤ It seems you are on a bit of an adventure of self discovery 🙂 So refreshing! I look forward to following your journey 🙂 Cheers!

    Liked by 1 person

    • ‘Oh fearless one’….I like that!! And as obsessive as I’ve already learned blogging can be, I certainly understand the break. We all need those to stay refreshed! Enjoy!


  4. What a friendly and warm ‘About!’ Thanks for stopping by my blog. I’m so glad to have found yours! I love your energy. Thanks for sharing about your breast cancer. I was diagnosed in August and appreciate such positive thoughts about the experience. Have a great day! Amy

    Liked by 1 person

    • Yes, even though we each have our own unique experiences once we’re diagnosed, there is a community of support among women who have tred the path as well that is comforting just knowing the support is there.

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  5. Ok… SO You and I have A LOT in common. We are the the same age. I will be 53 this summer and our belief systems are very closely aligned. As you saw with my post regarding skydiving, I want to say “With every broken bone, I swear I LIVED!” There is nothing greater than taking life by the horns, eh?

    Liked by 1 person

    • I know – we DO have a lot in common!! And I’m at the point where I’m consciously trying to enjoy each day the best ways I can. (Some days that takes alot more effort than other days!)….But even to the point that my daughter and granddaughter no longer know what I may come up with next…..That’s a treasure to me!

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      • For sure… I have better days than others. I struggle with motivation and I HAVE to stay busy to feel productive. It’s weird, the more time I have on my hands, the less I seem to get done. :-/
        Your granddaughter is certainly a cutie! Enjoy her now, they grow up too fast! ❤

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        • Yet another common trait we share!!! I too am exactly that way….the need to stay busy and lack of motivation! But – here lately – I’ve decided to not be so hard on myself about it. I live alone and have no one to answer to but my dog. I give 110% at work (as long as I can stay busy, that is!) – so if I want to go home and catch up on my DVR I’m just going to do it. I do get myself up and moving more on Thursday evenings to do some housework since Gracie (my granddaughter) can’t wait to get to Mammy’s to spend the night every Friday – and I love it too! She’s the biggest motivator I have these days…

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  6. Hi Tammii! Thanks for the follow! First things first, love meeting a fellow Christ follower!! YAY!
    Yes, yr girl IS gorgeous! Wow, exciting life you got going on!
    I’m a Southerner too, by the grace of God! lol
    Talk to ya soon.
    PS, are you as healthy as Kale??

    Liked by 1 person

    • Love it! I’m working on the healthy as Kale part – I sure eat enough of it these days!!! And hasn’t Southern by the grace of God taken on some unusual characteristics lately?! People ranting through Target, losing jobs because of convictions – to name a few!! But still I say – I’m prouder now to reign from NC than ever before. Thanks for the comment – I hope we talk again — and I hope you have a grand, blessed day!!

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      • Oh good! Since the once loooong ago, I haven’t tried kale again. It wasn’t my friend! Yes, indeed, it has! NC is sticking up for the women and children, and I’d be proud to be from there too!!
        I always have a blessed day, when I let Jesus shine thru me!
        I hope yours is too!

        Liked by 1 person

  7. So glad to meet you Tammi! I love your attitude. My sister in law and I decided long ago that we were not going to let getting older make us totally grow up. (I am 58 and she is a few years younger) So far so good. We also decided, like you, that we were not going to lets age and sore bodies keep us from enjoying and living life to the full. I love meeting sisters in Christ! and yes I often need to remind myself to “be still”. Thank you for that reminder. And thank you also for stopping by my blog and following. Look forward to reading more of yours.

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    • Thank you for your beautiful comment, Grandma – and I call you that affectionately from your blog name! Every day, the determination not to let age define me gets stronger, and the stronger it gets the less inhibited I become to enjoying that every single moment that I mention in my blog name. My daughter is out-of-town getting some continuing education credits, my son-in-law works in the other direction from my granddaughter’s school so I have the joy (and the remembering of how to get a young one in bed on time and off to school in the mornings!) of having her with me this week. Her Dad met us for dinner last night and as we mentioned that our vacation is only three weeks away, I told them both to be prepared – I intend to enjoy those ten days to the fullest of my ability and if that meant they might be embarrassed then they can prepare themselves now to plan on jumping in with me! My granddaughter gave me the oddest look and smiled and my son-in-law said I couldn’t do anything to embarrass him…..we shall see – they haven’t learned yet to fully appreciate the moments that I’m referring to, You have a blessed day!

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    • Yes, I remember – yours was the post about the guard dogs! I sat in a Pizza Hut several years back and watched a family interact with a dog wearing a vest that said he was in training. It was fascinating to watch and I have paid extra attention to articles about that (and pretty much all dog stories) since then. Thank you for commenting and it’s a pleasure to meet you also! I look forward to following your posts from here on out!

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    • I have that granddaughter just about spoiled rotten….enough so that her parents are starting to put limits on me….But that’s ok – as long as I can breathe my determination is that she sees a positive attitude from me.. She is my driving force…..that’s not to say it’s easy though…I have already found great comfort on your thoughts on forgiveness. I’m very familiar with how important it is to dig really dip and figure out what it really is we need to forgive in ourselves. It’s a great help to ‘have help’ doing that at times.

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    • Hi Anita, I can’t tell you ‘exactly’ which blog I was exploring – but I do know how I find all the posts that interest me – I read the comments, not just the posts – that gives me a bit about the person behind a comment, Then I follow the comment to their blog – which is how I found your poetry that spoke to me. What hooked me most was the line along the lines of ‘something happening so fast that it turns you inside out’….how so very true that is. Thanks for commenting.


  8. Hi Tammi, lovely to connect with you. Thanks for visiting my nest and leaving little presents for me. i look forward to reading you more, although I am a bit sporadic with internet atm. Life is great. enjoy it! 🙂

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  9. Hi Tammie, nice to meet another adventureous spirit and I have traveled far and wide also. I look forward to reading your adventures and by the way, your granddaughter is so beautiful! Thank you for following me and I now follow you! Karen 🙂

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  10. I know I have a biased opinion of that apple of my eye – but thank you for saying so! Yes, the foothills of Appalachia are beautiful….in the fall, when the leaves begin changing, the colors are beyond any I’ve ever saw anywhere else.


  11. Hi Tammi. Love the way you think. Go for whatever you want. Thank you for wanting to follow my poetry adventures. Very interested in everything paranormal conspiracy theories and observing life! Writing is a passion that keeps me alive and sane! Thank you also for your comment on my poem “Nothing Lives Forever!” and liking it as well as “Billionaire Elite! Bite! The Waiting Room! and The Ariel!” Great to meet you. The Foureyed Poet.

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    • I thoroughly enjoyed all your posts I had the time to read so far and can’t wait for more….Of the ones I’ve read so far, ‘The Waiting Room’ has been my favorite….can just picture and feel the eerie-ness.


  12. Thank you for following my blog “captured for a moment.” I was intrigued by your post about your daughter’s experience in Hawaii and how her Southern accent was put on display. I am starting a feature on my main blog, “Unexpected in Common Hours,” about words, phrases and sayings unique to Appalachia. I, too, am proud of my background. I grew up in Northeast Georgia and, after living 20 years in Indiana, moved back here to the North Georgia mountains where I intend to stay.

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    • That’s fascinating…You should check this out also: A Quick Lesson on Southern Linguistics

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      | | | | A Quick Lesson on Southern Linguistics A quick lesson on southern linguistics. The original source of the audio clip comes from this tumblr user’s … | |



      From: Women: Each One A Survivor To: tammikale61@yahoo.com Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2016 7:23 PM Subject: [Women: Each One A Survivor] Comment: “About” #yiv2270160811 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv2270160811 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv2270160811 a.yiv2270160811primaryactionlink:link, #yiv2270160811 a.yiv2270160811primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv2270160811 a.yiv2270160811primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv2270160811 a.yiv2270160811primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv2270160811 WordPress.com | | |

      Liked by 1 person

    • Please excuse the bad link on my precious email.  I would really like for you to listen to the audio if you haven’t already…..search on youtube for : Understanding That Hillbilly Accent….A Quick Lesson on Southern Linguistics

      From: Women: Each One A Survivor To: tammikale61@yahoo.com Sent: Sunday, May 15, 2016 7:23 PM Subject: [Women: Each One A Survivor] Comment: “About” #yiv2270160811 a:hover {color:red;}#yiv2270160811 a {text-decoration:none;color:#0088cc;}#yiv2270160811 a.yiv2270160811primaryactionlink:link, #yiv2270160811 a.yiv2270160811primaryactionlink:visited {background-color:#2585B2;color:#fff;}#yiv2270160811 a.yiv2270160811primaryactionlink:hover, #yiv2270160811 a.yiv2270160811primaryactionlink:active {background-color:#11729E;color:#fff;}#yiv2270160811 WordPress.com | | |


  13. Thanks for the like. You sound much more adventurous than me. You must present quite a fearsome front with that machete! Still, you seem like an interesting person to get to know. Nice meeting you. 🙂


  14. Yes – Inside Out was great – I love how there are such good lessons for us kids of all ages in these movies. And it makes it blatantly obvious how very little other movies have to offer. Is this world we live in not utterly – what’s the word? – crazy??


  15. Hello Tammi, I too am that stage in life where I no longer worry about what others think of me. I have even been known to take myself (without kids or anyone else) to the movies – to see the latest animated whatever. Loved the Jungle Book. Did you ever see Inside Out ? Brilliant. So much in them for adults. Anyway, I wandered over for a browse and to say thanks for the follow 🙂


  16. Thank you – I agree – and I’ve decided to no longer hold mine back!! And I love cats is how I found your blog….Yours are beautiful…life wouldn’t be the same without those ‘other parts’ of ourselves!


  17. Thank you! And what attracted me to yours was the ocean — I love everything about it! And the Mahi Mahi dish looked like fine restaurant dining – on a boat in the ocean!


  18. I love your confidence and sense of adventure! You may just be a good influence on me. lol Nice to meet you and as I get back into blogging I am looking forward to getting to you know and about your adventures. Your granddaughter is precious!

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